Karin competes at Kronenberg (NL)

Karin with Oogappel de Muze and Shakira
Competition Outdoor Horst -Kronenberg (NL)
- CCI3*-L: Olympic de Muze en Pinokkio
- CCI2*-L: Oogappel de Muze en Shakira
CCI3*-L (45 competitors)
- Olympic de Muze: 11th place
- Pinokkio: 21st place
CCI2*-L (65 competitors)
- Oogappel de Muze: 3th place
- Shakira: 34th place
live result click here
site competition: click here
link Oogappel de Muze in de cross country
link Shakira in de cross country
Nice competition in Kronenberg this weekend, with a 3th place with Oogappel de Muze (CCI2*-L). For Pinokkio it was his first 3 star long. Olympic de Muze did a good ride and Shakira (6 year) had a qualifing result in the CCI2*-L.